Monday, April 4, 2016

Best Text Ever

A little bit ago I received this text message.  Is this not the best text message ever to receive? 

That was from my brother in law who I've logged two runs with this season so far.  We tentatively have another run scheduled for sometime this weekend.  Basically, if he wants to run, I'll find a way to make it happen.  Know why?  Because he's one of those running partners who pushes me.  During our last run, he suggested that when we had 1.5 miles left, that we ramp it up for a mile for a little speed work and take the last half mile a little easy.  I learned something valuable...the way to run faster:

Take bigger steps!  I really do love the data and charts that I get to see from my MilestonePod.  I found it very interesting after our run when looking at the app that when we decided to ramp up our speed, my cadence - steps per minute - remained fairly unchanged but my pace picked up.  Looking at my pace vs. stride length chart showed a clear correlation between those two...when I took bigger steps I sped up.  Sounds fairly logical though according to the makers of the app, a shorter stride generally results in a faster pace.  Leave it to me to be different!!

So far I am enjoying my training for the Buffalo Half Marathon.  Up until two days ago the weather has been very agreeable.  Looking out my window I think I might hit the treadmill today instead of pounding the pavement.  

Side note...mad props to my friends who ran the Syracuse Half Marathon yesterday.  That weather was brutal - though I guess you don't need ME to tell you that - you lived it!  I'll be honest, I would have stayed home.  

Luckily before the winter weather moved in this weekend I logged a long run on Friday (hooray for every other Friday off!).  I don't know what happened.  I had 9  miles planned.  At maybe a 9:30 pace.  Then something magical happened.  Everything was going right (minus the Garmin running out of juice around mile 5).  My breathing was easy.  My legs felt good.  My typically nagging piriformis was quiet and my achilles just seemed along for the ride.  So I decided that instead of a strict out and back, I decided to go around my block, which would have been 9.3 miles.  But as I was running that, things kept feeling good, so I added the next block over too.  Total run ended up being 10.2 miles!  

Perhaps the secret is listening to a blog I enjoy. Recently discovered Death, Sex and Money.  On this run I listened to about 3 episodes.  All so very interesting.  Also, the 4.5 mile portion of my planned "out" was all into the wind.  At times, it sucked (though not nearly as sucky as yesterday's conditions for my SYR half friends!).  But it also meant that the "back" part I'd have that same wind to my back.  Knowing this I allowed myself to increase pace a bit.  I successfully ran negative splits for the Better part of my run!  

After Friday's run I feel that 9 minute pace half marathon is within my grasp.  I just can't lose what I have right now and I have to keep pushing myself.  Hopefully some long runs with running buddies like my brother in law will help.  

Keeping my body properly fueled is one of my priorities when it comes to training.  My favorite pre-run breakfast is two slices of toast with peanut butter and a banana.  I find this combination provides the energy I need and is easy on my stomach.  On mornings I don't run I eat eggs or oatmeal.  Here is my oatmeal tip...make a batch of steel cut oats at the beginning of the week and enjoy it for a few days.  When I pressure cook my oats (1 cup oats, 3 cups water, high pressure for 12 minutes with natural release) I end up with three cups of finished oats.  That's good for at least three breakfasts.  My long time favorite way to eat oats was to add lots of fresh ground black pepper, pecorino cheese and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.  (Seriously, try it, it's mac and cheese for breakfast.)  Lately though I've been enjoying dicing up an apple, throwing in some raisins, generous cinnamon (all those wonderful antioxidants!) and a tablespoon or so of maple syrup.  Top with hot oatmeal, stir and enjoy.  I have no idea how I ever ate packet after packet of Quaker instant apple cinnamon oatmeal.  This is so much better!

So I'm curious...what's your favorite way to eat oatmeal?