Thursday, September 24, 2015

Its Ragnar Time!!!

I wasn't going to run a Ragnar this year.  I felt a little burnt out on having run two overnight relays last year and the folks, who I'd run with in the past, were doing Ragnar Cape Cod, which I was very interested in.  But being held in early May I didn't think I'd be ready for it after a long winter's hibernation.  They were also planning on Ragnar Adirondacks.  Which I'd already run twice and which I didn't feel needed to be run a third time.  Having run with the crew before though, I was still a part of the Facebook group they use to organize each time they run a relay.  I felt a little voyeur-ish watching their posts/updates/team photos.  I also felt a tinge of regret that I wasn't part of it this year.  

Start line of Ragnar ADK 2014

Ragnar Bling!

Then I went to lululemon for another short sleeved running top.  I was explaining to the girl there that I love their Swiftly tops, especially for over night relays.  She asked me more about those and I explained what Ragnar was.  Coming home, after chatting with her about how much I love Ragnar Relays, I realized how sad I was that I wasn't running this season.  

Because runners should look like traffic cones
not ninjas (read that on Runner's World I think?)
That was on a Saturday.  Then magic happened.  On Monday morning, someone posted in the Facebook group that one of the runners backed out and they needed someone.  THEY NEEDED SOMEONE!  Within a few short hours, I cleared the trip with Matt, made sure I'd get a runner I liked - about 15 miles, no major hills...I had a leg during each of my relays last summer that had, in my opinion, crazy thanks!

These legs.  Ugh.
So here I am, getting ready for Ragnar Adirondacks.  This weekend!!!  I'm nervous.  My training hasn't gone as planned.  I do this to myself every summer.  I put off my training for whatever run event it is until the very last minute.  Too last minute.  Start packing on the miles too many too fast.  And boom!  Something hurts.  Hurts a lot.  This time it was my left big toe which hurt so much I couldn't walk normally on it. I did see my doctor about it.  Long story short I've rested it for three weeks and I feel good to run.  I went for a test run yesterday and during my run, everything felt great.  Not sure I'll be saying that after a 7.8mi run, a 2.3 mi run, and a 5 mi run all within 24 hrs of each other but we will see!  

Let's do this!!!!
You might be wondering, what is this overnight relay??  Imagine this...12 runners (you're one of them), two vans, and 200 miles.  The total mileage is divided into 36 legs of varying distances and difficulties.  You're assigned a runner number, 1-12, and are responsible for running three legs of the 36 total.  So, if you're runner 1, you run leg 1, leg 13 and leg 25.  Each van has 6 runners in it, 1-6 and 7-12.  While the runners in van 1 are running their six legs, van 2 is in rest mode.  This consists of driving up to where you will meet van 1 at the end of their last leg, maybe showering, possibly getting an hour of sleep, definitely getting something to eat, and just enjoying the experience.  For a bit of perspective, last year during one of my relays, I ran my first leg from 10:30-11:15am, then my second leg from 7:10-7:48pm, and my last leg from 4:25-5:26am.  I believe I slept a total of 2 hours because you know what...when my nerves are wired and the adrenaline is still flowing, I generally have a tough time sleeping.  I don't expect this weekend to be much different.

But I love it. 

Packing for these things is always fun.  You use the spreadsheet everyone entered their estimated pace into to help you figure out during which time of day you will be running.  This is important.  For example my first leg will  be around 2-2:30pm near Saratoga Springs.  At this time yesterday it was a little over 70 degrees.  My second leg will be around 1am and somewhere between Saratoga Springs and Lake Placid and it's forecasted to get down to around 42 over night.  Some folks will run in shorts and a t-shirt in both those conditions but I'm pulling out the PolarTec and Under Armor!  Space is also at a premium in these vans.  Think about it...six adults, three shifts of running gear, plus street clothes for the day before and days after the relay to wear before heading back home.  When I ran Ragnar Niagara Ontario this wasn't an issue.  We left the morning of, and came home right after running.  But for this trip, we leave the day before, finish running on Saturday, rent a house in the Lake Placid area, party Saturday  night, hike one of NY's high peaks on Sunday, chill out Sunday night in the hot tub, and drive home Monday morning.  That's a lot of stuff in a minivan! 

But that's all part of the fun. 

Besides clothing, oddball things I feel I *need* in the van include:
And this isn't even all my stuff!

I struggled over whether or not to bring my camera.  I did last year and got some great photographs and had a great time documenting our journey from Saratoga Springs to Lake Placid. But this year I'm sad to say I am not bringing it.  Will just have to rely on my iPhone for some cool shots of all the fun we're about to have. ride is going to be here any minute.  Need to grab a few last minute things and hit the road.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

I'm wondering though...has anyone out there run an overnight relay?  Or any other fun running event?  What was your favorite?

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