Monday, October 26, 2015

Nerd Alert!

I might have to actually drag my tail into the office this Thursday.  Just realized that the monthly Professional Development Hour (PDH) presentation is going to talk about the "hydraulic jump."  I remember learning about hydraulic jumps in college and thinking they were the coolest thing.  In one of our labs we had a large water flume and were able to create a hydraulic jump in it.  As interesting as I find the science, different types of hydraulic jumps can create deadly conditions. 

Hydraulic Jump in a Flume
The video in the link in the caption is probably similar to the presentation that I'll be listening to on Thursday and around 11:30 minutes they create different types of hydraulic jumps in the lab and show how people can get trapped in them.  I guess you can consider this my public service aware of potentially dangerous water conditions and pay attention to any signs you see posted on a waterway.  Conditions might not look dangerous to you but that might not be the case in reality. 

Told you I was a nerd. 

This PDH times nicely with a required software update to my work laptop that requires us to be physically plugged into the network.  I also like going into the old office every now and then to say hello to the folks I used to work with on a regular basis.  Which!  I was able to do a little bit of this past Saturday at the chili party I mentioned in my last post because it was hosted by one of my former coworkers.  This was her third annual chili party.  Initially, I thought it was just a chili party but quickly learned it was a chili CONTEST.  I love making chili.  And eating chili.  But I've always steered clear of contests.  Why?  Because I like my chili, but I fear no one else will like my chili.

And well, I didn't win.  But there were A LOT of really good chilis there.   I have oodles of new ideas now to incorporate into my own cooking.  Just wait until next year!!  In the meantime...leftovers...

I like chili with big chunks of stuff!
Saturday I spent most of my time in the kitchen, simmering my chili and getting my dishes ready for dinner on Sunday.  I made two of my favorite dishes...moussaka and a roasted veggie white lasagna.  Moussaka is sometimes described as a Greek lasagna with eggplant instead of pasta.  It's time consuming to make but oh so worth it.  Moussaka starts with a meat sauce, generally lamb, but you know me...why buy red meat when I have deer and elk already in the freezer?  You layer that with fried eggplant which in my experience takes a long time to do because of the sheer quantity needed - 3.5lbs.  I decided to grill it this time.  The eggplant filled my grill grates three times.  But took so much less time to cook.  I might have to make it more often now that I've shaved some time off the prep. 

Was really impressed at how even the heat on my grill is.  Go Weber!
The meat sauce is made with the ground meat, onions, garlic, allspice, cinnamon, tomatoes, and white wine.  After two layers of each the sauce and the eggplant you top it a cheese sauce. What is not to love about this dish?? 

Not an awesome picture but gives you an idea
I'm not Greek by blood at all.  But if my taste buds have any say in the matter I'd say I'm at least half.  :-)

If you're interested in the recipe I use just let me know and I'll happily share it.  Since it's from a cookbook I hesitate to put it up here without permission.  Not sure what all the rules are but if you like Mediterranean cooking as much as I do, you might want to check out this cookbook

So with the moussaka and the lasagna, a salad brought by my sister in law, homemade bread and two pies from my mother in law, another pie from my mom, and some cheese and dried fruit w/crackers from my brother in law's mother in law (got that??), we had enough food on Sunday for the largest dinner I've ever served...13 adults and 4 munchkins.  It was an awesome evening with family welcoming home the guys from their Colorado trip.  And...I think it come the holidays I might be able to convince Matt to have BOTH our families over at the same time.  We officially fit!  :-)

Do you have a go-to dish for entertaining? 
Any tips for hosting a large family holiday since I am seriously considering it this year??

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